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2025 Employment Application

Please complete by March 1st

* The application was opened 4 Jan and will be closed on the 1st of March*

**The club will review applications and make hiring decision during the March timeframe. The club will contact those applicants selected.**

***Life Guard applications can be approved for hiring in March, on contingency, if they meet the minimum age requirement of 15 years or older and will have their required life guard certification by May prior to the pool opening.***

Contact Info

Applicant First and Last Name

Write in your answer below...

Applicant Cell

Write in your answer below...

Applicant Email Address

Write in your answer below...


Please provide any other important contact info.


Please enter the birthday of this person

Parent Name

Write in your answer below...

Parent Cell

Write in your answer below...

Parent Email Address

Write in your answer below...

Emergency Contact Name

Write in your answer below...

Emergency Contact Phone Number

Write in your answer below...


(health concerns, allergies, or any other restriction)

Marlin Club Staff Positions

(Indicate Preference- i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.). Please indicate 1 for your primary or top preference and only indicate positions you are interested in. Please select N/A on any positions not interested in.

General Manager

Indicate Preference or N/A

Assistant Manager

Indicate Preference or N/A

Senior Lifeguard

Indicate Preference or N/A


Indicate Preference or N/A

Concession Stand Manager

Indicate Preference or N/A

Concession Stand Worker

Indicate Preference or N/A

Instructors or Other Positions

Indicate YES or NO in the dropdown

Swim Instructor

*not Swim Team Asst Coach **requires Swim Instructor certification

Swim Team Assistant Coach


Are you a member of the Marlin Club

Have you worked at the Marlin Club before?

How many summers?

Pool Managers Course (Manager position only)

Date completed:

Lifeguard Certification (Lifeguard position only)


CPR Certification (Manager & Lifeguard positions only)


When will you have your Lifeguard certificaiton?

Please provide date of certification course if certification has not been obtained or has expired. You can contact Coach Art at CoachArt.ECAT@gmail.com (East Coast Aquatic Team) for information on course schedule options. Please provide days and month of scheduled certification.

First Aid Certification (Manager & Lifeguard positions only)



Date available to start:

Last day available:

Planned Vacation dates:

Write in your answer below...

Do you plan to play fall sports?

We will do our best to try and accommodate August practice schedules but there is no guarantee depending the number of staff who will be participating in fall sports. All hired employees are expected to work and support pool operations during the August timeframe.

Do you have any restrictions to days of week or time of day available to work? (explain)

Write in your answer below. We will do our best to try and accommodate but there is no guarantee depending the number of staff who have restrictions. It is the expectation that the employment at the club take priority over other secondary employment.


Not Family Members

Reference #1 (name, relationship, phone, & email)

Write in your answer below...

Reference #2 (name, relationship, phone, & email) [Duplicate]

Write in your answer below...

Other pertinent information:

Write in your answer below...